In the spring of 1980, 7-year-old Chris Greicius dreamed of becoming a highway patrol motorcycle officer like his heroes, Ponch and John from the television show, “CHiPS”. His dream was not likely to become a reality. Chris was being treated for leukemia he was only expected to live a few more days.
U.S. Customs Officer, Tommy Austin, befriended Chris and worked with officers at the Arizona Department of Public Safety to make Chris’s dream come true. One of the motorcycle officers who was asked to participate was Officer Frank Shankwitz.
Chris spent the day as a police officer, rode in a police helicopter, received a custom-tailored police uniform, and was sworn in as the first honorary Public Safety patrolman in state history. He died a few days later.
Officer Frank Shankwitz was so moved by the experience of granting the child’s wish that he was inspired to create the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
You can learn more about Frank Shankwitz in this video.
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